
A Lesson to be Learned

"The group confrontation was a painful factor behind some of the critiques discovered"

In 2013 a church crisis erupted in the West Region of the Los Angeles Church of Christ, which became a months-long investigation where an ICOC member from another state who had an organizational consultation business, was brought in to mediate.

Said in the introduction, "This report is prepared for the Westside Church of the Coastal LA Region of the Los Angeles International Church of Christ (LAICC), with the understanding that transparency regarding “lessons learned” will help members in the other ministries."

The section Overly Assertive Leadership Group Confrontations (page 30) contained the following points describing the abusive practices of leadership:

  • "There was an era in the ICOC history in which it became prevalent in some regions for a leader to receive a “Discipleship Group correction” led by a higher-up leader for some reason—sin, performance, or lack of compliance. These styles of discipleship groups were practiced less and less over time but were not fully eradicated."

  • "Someone would show up to a meeting in which everyone, except the subject, was fed unfavorable information, possibly inaccurate or with incomplete perspectives, against the unsuspecting subject."

  • "Often the charge was “pride” and “pridefulness.” It was said, “You can always get someone on pride.” 

  • "This approach puts someone in a no-win situation because it makes it impossible to defend oneself without being labeled “defensive.” 

  • "The outcome of this ramped up approach, in the mind of the consultants, leans towards injustice."

  • "The group confrontation was a painful factor behind some of the critiques discovered within the OHA."

  • "There are many problems with this tactic, which feels like “ganging up,” that we renounce, even for people struggling with pride, egotism, arrogance or hubris."

  • "While strong approaches may appear effective at times, they engender a culture of silent reservation, fear, unhealthy pacts, and contain a risk of emotional and psychological harm."

  • "During our interviews and following our teaching, no one has defended the heavy-handed practices of group confrontation."

  • "The practitioners of the heavy “old school” approach agreed with our assessment."


The lessons and corrections outlined in the report were directed towards the entire Los Angeles church and beyond:
"This report will aid the LAICC in understanding itself, owning its virtues and regrets, against the ever-changing and sensational religious scene of the greater metropolitan Los Angeles region. Of course, more attention is given to the Coastal LA Region and the Westside but the LA family shares a history of people and events. Hopefully the LAICC will leverage the insights gained from the diagnostics of the Concluding Summary and Report for broader gains." 

Corrective Actions

The consultant recommended that meetings with leadership have:

  1. Impartial investigation
  2. Involve impartial third parties
  3. The vetting of capable witnesses
  4. Allow for advocacy and defense of the accused 
  5. Prior transparency about the nature of such a meeting

Westside Documents

Westside page 30 (pdf)


Westside Report Full (pdf)
