The ICOC has been plagued by a long history of abuses.
Recent evidence brings it to the light yet again.
Specific complaints regarding the systemic evils within the ICOC, written by one of its church leaders. (2003)
Other historical documents.
A leadership crisis in the Westside Region led to a comprehensive, detailed, consultant's report to the church. (2014)
Recent documented evidence of abusive practices in the Orange County Region.
Hundreds of pages from journal entries, and dozens of questions were submitted to the OC leadership.
A series of deliberate actions by OC leadership sought to cover up the abuses. (2019)
Have you experienced spiritual abuse?
Here are some resources that may help you cope and recover.
Tell It To The Church
The referenced OC exhibits were already provided to their elders and general counsel.
Matthew 18:17 "If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church"
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